Practice Areas
Personal Injury
There are several types of personal injury claims. These claims can arise from another person or entity’s negligence or intentional action.
Victims' Rights
Victims' rights are legal rights afforded to victims of crime. You have the right to representation so that your voice can be heard throughout the legal process.
Employment Discrimination
It is an unlawful employment practice to discriminate against an individual because of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identify, disability, or age.
Wrongful Termination
State and federal laws protect qualified disabled individuals from discrimination based on their disability or because of a physical or mental impairment. A disability is defined as a physical or mental condition that substantially limits a major life activity (such as walking, talking, hearing, seeing, or learning).
Workers' Compensation
This field is uniquely complex in that both law and medicine combine in an almost awkward handshake. Injured workers need an advocate who is able to navigate this constantly evolving area of law.
Workers’ Compensation Discrimination & Injured Worker Reinstatement and Reemployment
An injured worker, in most cases, is entitled to reinstatement to their former position if physically able to return to their previous duties or is entitled to be reemployed to another position within the company the employee can perform, so long as such a position is or becomes vacant.
Social Security Disability Insurance
Crispin Hannon provides skilled legal representation for individuals seeking Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. These federal programs, regulated by the Social Security Administration, provide financial assistance to those who are unable to work due to disability. SSD benefits are available to individuals who have paid into the Social Security system through prior work experience, while SSI is a need-based program designed for those with limited income and resources.
VA Disability
We are about Veterans Helping Veterans. Your prior service may have resulted in disability for which you are lawfully and rightfully entitled to be covered. Veterans often face challenges obtaining VA disability benefits for conditions linked to their military service. These disputes range from whether they believe you have a service-connected disability, or whether the disability ratings were calculated properly.
Civil Rights & Discrimination
Oregon law ensures that individuals cannot be denied access to public spaces based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Discrimination in public accommodations, including businesses and services, is unlawful.
Wrongful Death
If you have lost someone under circumstances where you believe another person or entity is at fault, it is important that you speak with an attorney who can help. A civil lawsuit against the party at fault for your loved one’s death can bring some level of justice and closure.
Sexual Harassment & Violence
You have the right to a workplace and learning environment free from sexual harassment and violence. If you have been the subject of inappropriate sexual advances, violence, or any unwanted behavior of a sexual nature, we can help.
Sexual Assault & Abuse
As a victim of sexual abuse or assault, your world is turned upside down. Sexual assaults are drastically under-reported. The thought of taking legal action can be daunting. Survivors may feel reluctant to tell what happened for many reasons, but in order to hold the assailant accountable legal action is required. A criminal case can lead to fines and jail time. A civil claim can help you recover compensation for emotional trauma, medical expenses, and other losses you’ve sustained.
Medical Leave Denial & Interference/Domestic Violence Leave
The Family Medical Leave Act and the Oregon Family Leave Act provide protected leave for the serious health conditions of the employee and their family. Oregon law also provides leave for victims of domestic violence, harassment, sexual assault, or stalking.
Severence Negotiations
Occasionally, when layoffs or terminations occur, an employer may offer departing employees severance payments. Severance may also be offered in exchange for a release of claims an employee has raised against the employer.
Executive Employment
Executive level employees have needs for counsel and representation that may differ from those of other employees. The employment relationship between executive level employees and their employers often is established through a negotiated contract.
Wage & Hour
State and federal laws dictate minimum wage obligations, overtime requirements, and lunch and break schedules. Under most circumstances, employers are required to pay non-exempt employees at least minimum wage and overtime wages per pay period.
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Motor vehicle accidents can range from minor to life-altering events. We help injured drivers and passengers recover proper compensation.
Semi-Truck Accidents
Commercial trucks cause a disproportionate amount of serious injuries or fatalities. Driver negligence and cargo loading errors are the most common cause of these life-altering accidents.
Drunk Driving Lawsuits
Drunk driving civil cases are often uniquely linked to the criminal justice system. If you were hurt by a drunk motorist, there is likely a criminal case for DUII or assault being pursued by local authorities. In a situation like this, where both civil and criminal fields of law are involved, it is important to select experienced attorneys.
ATV Collisions
All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) include dirt bikes, dune buggies, snowmobiles and three/four-wheel vehicles. These vehicles are used recreationally by many people. Unfortunately, recreational ATV use can result in serious accidents and even fatalities.
Pedestrian & Bike Accidents
A pedestrian who suffers injuries from an auto accident may be overwhelmed by crushing medical expenses and have to endure chronic pain and long-term disabilities. Insurance policies cover auto injuries involving pedestrian accidents. If you were hit by a negligent driver, we can help you navigate your claim and make sure you receive just and proper compensation.