Amanda Paull

Lead Workers’ Compensation Paralegal

It was a long and winding road for Amanda to find both a fulfilling and suitable career for her. Before starting the paralegal program at Portland Community College, she also tried her hand at acting, costume design, accounting, and American Sign Language interpreting. Amanda was in an ASL interpreter program when she picked up the introductory legal course at PCC (as she wanted to interpret in legal settings and believed it wise to have at least a basic understanding of the legal world beforehand). However, for the first time in her educational journey, Amanda found that legal stuff just clicked with her like nothing had before, so she switched her major and never looked back. 

In June 2023, Amanda graduated from PCC with an Associate of Applied Sciences in Paralegal Studies with Highest Honors. She earned the CORE Registered Paralegal certification from the National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA) in August 2023 and is currently a proud member of the Oregon Paralegal Association.

Amanda joined Crispin Hannon as Matt’s paralegal in June 2022. While she never anticipated she would end up working in workers’ compensation and Social Security Disability, she finds the melding of the medical and legal worlds intricate but captivating. As someone who has struggled with chronic pain and disability herself, Amanda relishes the opportunity to help others fighting in an unfair system to get the medical care and benefits they need. She is delighted to work with a team as superb as this one.

In her free time, Amanda enjoys knitting, crocheting, walking in Portland’s beautiful parks and gardens, and playing Nintendo video games. She lives with her partner, Dom, and her two demons, Adrian and Roland (who fool others into thinking they are cats). She maintains her proficiency in ASL and is currently learning Spanish. 

She has a close relationship with her family, even though they live in separate states. Every Sunday night, you can find Amanda and Dom playing games with her parents, brother, and sister-in-law over a video call. Without the support of Dom and her family, Amanda wouldn’t be here today. 


Kelly J. Neimeyer Hannon
Owner & Managing Partner

Dave M. Hannon
Managing Partner

Matthew M. Fisher

Craig A. Crispin
Of Counsel

Yuridia Mack

Brian Parry

Mavia Burke

Natosha Sugden