Melanie N.

At the age of 42, I woke up blind in one eye. I had suffered a rare stroke, and after months of testing and no answers, doctors discovered I was born with a heart defect that would make me high risk of future stroke without heart surgery. Within a couple weeks of the scheduled surgery, my insurance denied my coverage, calling what I had “not a real stroke.” The hospital appealed the decision with multiple experts and cardiologists saying it was in fact a stroke, causing permanent injury, and surgery was medically necessary. Despite this, my insurance dug in and continued the denial. I was devastated, still adjusting to life with vision loss and the stress of not knowing if I would wake up fully blind or worse, not at all. Seemingly out of options and not knowing what to do, I turned to Kelly at Crispin Hannon for help. When I was hitting brick walls going it alone against my insurance company, Kelly knew exactly how to approach the situation, what to file, who to contact, and how to effectively break through that wall. She was able to lean on her depth of experience in the industry to have experts review my case and provide testimony, strengthening my appeal. In the end, we won, and I got my surgery. My family doesn’t have to live with over six figures of medical debt hanging over us and I don’t have to live with the threat of recurrent stroke. I highly recommend Crispin Hannon, even when the situation seems hopeless.

- Melanie N.


Cecilia A.


Darliene F.